One of our favorite books, which also influenced our Back to the Garden. Thus begins one of the most famous journeys in literature—the voyage of the whaling ship Pequod and its embattled, monomaniacal Captain Ahab. Ishmael quickly learns that the Pequod’s captain sails for revenge against the elusive Moby Dick, […]
Read MoreThe Signature of All Things, Elizabeth Gilbert
Alma is a clear-minded scientist; Ambrose a utopian artist—but what unites this unlikely couple is a desperate need to understand the workings of this world and the mechanisms behind all life. Written in the bold, questing spirit of that singular time, Gilbert’s wise, deep, and spellbinding tale is certain to […]
Read MoreProdigal Summer, Barbara Kingsolver
Prodigal Summer weaves together three stories of human love within a larger tapestry of lives inhabiting the forested mountains and struggling small farms of southern Appalachia. Over the course of one humid summer, these characters find their connections to one another and to the flora and fauna with whom they […]
Read MorePenny Loves Wade, Wade Loves Penny – Caroline Woodward
In this long-awaited novel, Caroline Woodward returns to her Peace River roots. Penny Loves Wade, Wade Loves Penny is a contemporary story about middle-aged love enduring despite prolonged separations. The story winds around Penny Toland, resolute ranch wife and part-time teacher, and her husband, Wade, reluctant rancher and good man, […]
Read MoreWater, Lloyd Jones
Previously listed on May 15, here is the updated post for Lloyd Jones’ Water, which is now available. Please scroll down for links to interviews, including the most recent interview with Ecoshock Radio. Wales. With the world in crisis, who knows what the future will bring? Food is scarce, the […]
Read MoreBlue into the Rip, Kev Heritage
Book One of the Into the Rip series. A Young Adult, Science Fiction, Climate Change, Time-Travel Adventure Blue didn’t want to be in the future…they didn’t want him there either. A rip in the fabric of time, a far-flung globally warmed future, a flooded Earth and the only remainder of […]
Read MoreGut-Check Green, Peter Prasad
Here’s a modern-day, rapid-fire climate fiction thriller of vigilante justice set in California wine country. Gut-Check Green dances with diabolic characters and explores treatment of our wounded warriors. It raises disturbing questions about fertilizers and GMOs. This conspiracy is so plausible it may rattle your dinner plate and change the […]
Read MoreChange, Treesong
Sarah Athraigh, an environmental activist from Southern Illinois, stumbles into the midst of a hidden war between occult factions that are grappling with the root causes and dire consequences of climate change. As she goes on the run, she soon finds herself on a journey of discovery, searching for the […]
Read MoreBlackmail Earth, Bill Evans
Chief meteorologist for a national morning TV show, Jenna Withers is appointed to a US government task force on climate change because of her acclaimed book on geoengineering. Jenna is stunned to learn that a major oil company has a pilot project to release iron oxide into the sea. Al Qaeda […]
Read MoreLove in the Time of Global Warming, Francesca Lia Block
A stunning reimagining of Homer’s Odyssey set in post-Apocalyptic Los Angeles, written by A master storyteller (also in audio). Her life by the sea in ruins, Pen has lost everything in the Earth Shaker that all but destroyed the city of Los Angeles. She sets out into the wasteland to […]
Read MoreWarming!, William Espinosa
It’s 2028. The human race is divided on how to deal with the threatening eco-legacy of the twentieth century. Calls for a strong, centralized response mount, but skeptics of institutional power seek another way. A prominent Brazilian healer is poisoned by toxic flower-essence. The leader of the Palestinian peace movement […]
Read MoreEscape to Canamith: Templeton’s Ark, Richard Friedman
The planet is rebelling. Mother Nature is angry. All forms of life are attacking humans and threatening the food and water supply. Professor Lila Jenkins, working for the government’s task force, believes scientific reasoning will provide the explanation for everything. While Lila frantically searches for answers, Templeton’s followers are preparing […]
Read MoreAdaptation, G.C. Huxley
Adaptation is a social philosophy adventure dedicated to a new generation of readers, where again these questions are increasingly being asked of ourselves, and of each other. It is the adventure and common goals of survival that we all share together, despite our differences. Told from the perspective of teenagers […]
Read MoreClimate Changed: A Personal Journey Through Science, Philippe Squarzoni
This is Cli-Fi Book’s first graphic novel post. Though based on non-fiction, the author uses art to illustrate the reality of climate change, and we like to see art and climate change going hand-in-hand. What are the causes and consequences of climate change? When the scale is so big, can […]
Read MoreThe Reincarnation, Chris Middings
As global warming spread north, and the environment soured, meat became toxic. Many died, but not members of the militantly vegan Medical Church of America. Like something out of Aldous Huxley, the Church is a weird mixture of fanaticism and science. As it grows in power, eclipsing governments and corporations […]
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