Dragonfly has changed from Substack to Buttondown for our newsletter. Subscribe to our newsletter to read more news, and see our news archives here. Note that this newsletter is free. Donations are accepted, but nothing is behind a paywall.
- The August newsletter is out! Each month I post a recommended book or film of the month.
- My novella Bird Song is available for free (online only) at Dragonfly Publishing. Sometimes the best things in life are free. I began writing this genre-blurring novella in 2014 and finished it during the early days of Covid-19. This is an eco-weird climate parable with Greek mythology as well as a contemporary YA romance. TW: some gore in the weird sections.
- NecronomiCon is happening August 15-18, 2024 in Providence, RI. How I wish I could be there. Hopefully there will be some photos and videos afterwards! This international festival features a wonderful panel of guest speakers and some super interesting programs, including a few about the ecological weird.
- Ecology Action Centre’s [PDF] spring magazine is out; in it is my article “Two Nature Artists in Mi’kma’ki/Nova Scotia”.
- The monthly newsletter will come out slightly later each month due to spring and summer vacations as well to align more evenly with Earth Day 2024.
- Check out Grist’s new climate story edition; Dragonfly also syndicated two stories and has an interview with Tory Stephens, Creative Manager at Grist.
- We’re closing the Rewilding Our Stories website, but the Discord is alive and well! I temporarily reopened the Dragonfly Library to add a few essays about climate change.
- Check out my article on building a database of eco-fiction at Climate Literacy in Education.
- Check out my talk with Marjorie Kellogg about our eco-novels (including Bird Song: A Novella) at Climate Writers.
- Thanks to Nightbeats’ Behind the Scenes for interviewing me about The Stolen Child.
- To check the most recently added books, click here.
- I have an article at Impakter: What is eco-fiction and why it matters
- Don’t forget the new Link Tree, which includes our Discord.