There’s more to The Life of Elves than mere Hollywood fodder, for which abysmal writing too often mars bestsellers aimed at teens. This novel glows with finely crafted prose. Its luminous landscapes — environmental and psychological — lift it to the realm of literary fiction and the genre of magical realism. The novelty of its richly imagined world, which blends European cultural and natural history with human-animal hybrids, elves, and supernatural forces, charms and delights.
Goodreads Reviews

Average Rating:
4.2 rating based on 7,676 ratings (all editions)
ISBN-10: 0553373803
ISBN-13: 9780553373806
Goodreads: 80689
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4.2 rating based on 7,676 ratings (all editions)
ISBN-10: 0553373803
ISBN-13: 9780553373806
Goodreads: 80689
Author(s): Publisher:
Published: //