Twenty-one year old Annie Whitaker is over the moon: She and Nate, her college sweetheart, have just gotten engaged and she’s driving home to give her parents the news. Not only that, but she’s spending the summer as an intern with her dad, Lake Okeechobee’s waterkeeper. Life just doesn’t get […]
Read MoreEvery Blade of Grass, Thomas Wharton
Before email, Facebook, and Twitter, people wrote letters. Thomas Wharton’s new novel tells the story of James Wheeler and Martha Geddes, who meet at an environmental conference in Iceland and feel a mutual attraction. The catch is that they live on opposite sides of a continent and one of them […]
Read MoreInterview with Virginia Arthur, Author of Birdbrain
Part III. Women Working in Nature and the Arts Mary of Eco-fiction interviews Virginia Arthur, teacher, field biologist, and author of the novel Birdbrain. About Birdbrain: The book is rich. It is an ecological journey, but also woven through it is Ellowyn’s deep emotional experience of being a human being […]
Read MorePainted Horses, Malcolm Brooks
In the mid-1950s, America was flush with prosperity and saw an unbroken line of progress clear to the horizon, while the West was still very much wild. In this ambitious, incandescent debut, Malcolm Brooks animates that time and untamed landscape, in a tale of the modern and the ancient, of […]
Read MoreInterview with JL Morin, Nature’s Confession
Women Working in Nature and the Arts Mary of Eco-fiction talks with Boston University adjunct professor and award-winning novelist J.L. Morin. Also see our review of J.L.’s novel at Fjords Review. Update: this book launched on January 9. Mary: Your imagination is brilliant, and Nature’s Confession is chock full of […]
Read MoreCurrents of the Universal Being: Explorations in the Literature of Energy, Scott Slavic, et al.
Energy scholar Vaclav Smil wrote in 2003, “Tug at any human use of energy and you will find its effects cascading throughout society.” Too often public discussions of energy-related issues become gridlocked in debates concerning cost, environmental degradation, and the plausibility (or implausibility) of innovative technologies. But the topic of […]
Read MoreHigh Clear Bell of Morning, Ann Eriksson
Elegantly told and affecting, High Clear Bell of Morning illustrates the strain on families facing mental illnesses, and draws attention to the inadequate system that is meant to help. At the same time, it celebrates the natural world and sends a cautionary warning of what we all have to lose. […]
Read MoreGreening the Maple, Ella Soper and Nicholas Bradley
See more at the University of Calgary Press. Ecocriticism can be described in very general terms as the investigation of the many ways in which culture and the environment are interrelated and conceptualized. Ecocriticism aspires to understand and often to celebrate the natural world, yet it does so indirectly by […]
Read MoreLa Loca de Gandoca, Anacristina Rossi
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Read MoreLug, Dawn of the Ice Age, David Zeltse
Lug discovers the Ice Age is coming and he has to bring warring clans together to save them not only from the freeze but also from a particularly unpleasant migrating pride of saber-toothed tigers. It’s no help that the elders are cavemen who can’t seem to get the concept of […]
Read MoreThe Tourist Trail, John Yunker
Biologist Angela Haynes is accustomed to dark, lonely nights as one of the few humans at a penguin research station in Patagonia. She has grown used to the cries of penguins before dawn, to meager supplies and housing, to spending most of her days in one of the most remote […]
Read MoreMermaids in Paradise, Lydia Millet
Click here for a review at Salon. On the grounds of a Caribbean island resort, newlyweds Deb and Chip—our opinionated, skeptical narrator and her cheerful jock husband who’s friendly to a fault—meet a marine biologist who says she’s sighted mermaids in a coral reef. Goodreads Reviews Back to GoodReads
Read MoreSeaRISE, Sarah Holding
See our interview with Sarah Holding, author of The SeaBEAN Trilogy. SeaRISE is her newest addition, published November 27, the final part of this exciting young people’s trilogy. In the thrilling final part of The SeaBEAN Trilogy, Alice and her five classmates are – for reasons they have yet to […]
Read MoreInterview with H.A. Swain, Hungry
A few months ago, H.A. Swain submitted information to us about her novel Hungry, a dystopian tale about a food crisis. We have finally got a chance to interview her and find out more. Mary: Publishers Weekly said that in your novel Earth has been destroyed by wars and storms. […]
Read MoreThreatened, Eliot Schrefer
As he did in his acclaimed novel Endangered, a finalist for the National Book Award, Eliot Schrefer takes us somewhere fiction rarely goes, introducing us to characters we rarely get to meet. The unforgettable result is the story of a boy fleeing his present, a man fleeing his past, and […]
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