
To Follow Elephants, Rick Hodges

Click here to return to the series In today’s world series, we travel back to the continent of Africa, this time with author Rick Hodges; we talk about his visits to Kenya and his new novel To Follow Elephants (Stormbird Press, March 2019). Stick around, because this summer we will […]

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Jodi Lynn Anderson’s Midnight at the Electric, Review by Kimberly Christensen

Midnight at the Electric by Jodi Lynn Anderson Hardcover, 259 pages Published June 13, 2017 by HarperCollins Reviewed by Kimberly Christensen Midnight at the Electric interweaves three different generations of protagonists to tell the heartbreaking and simultaneously hopeful stories of young women living through times of societal upheaval. The stories […]

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Climate Change Author Spotlight – D.G. Driver

Back to the series Welcome to the 30th spotlight on authors tackling climate change in fiction. We continue with the YA/teen focus, certainly timely right now as youth have entered the front lines on fighting climate change. This week, on March 15th, is an international march with thousands of students […]

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Back to the Garden

Author: © Clara Hume Series: Wild Mountain Series, book 1 Publisher: Dragonfly Publishing Publication Date: October 2018 Social Media: Author blog, Facebook, Twitter Back to the Dragonfly Library Chapter 1–Fran Between dropping seeds like raindrops onto pitted soil and slogging hotly through the creek at the hatchery, I often thought what […]

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YA and Teen Fiction Exploring Climate Change

Updated: Click here for Dragonfly’s YA/teen bookshelf. Followers of this site will be familiar with my spotlight on authors who explore global warming in fiction. This is a diverse series–recognizing various genres, voices, and storytelling styles which cover the subject of climate change found in fiction. Generally speaking, climate change […]

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Women Working in Nature and the Arts, D.M. Cameron

I’m very happy to return to the “Women Working in Nature and the Arts” series with D.M. Cameron, whose novel Beneath the Mother Tree (MidnightSun Publishing, 2018) was recently posted at Dragonfly.  Donna writes radio plays, film scripts, and novels and has received many awards. As with other women in […]

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Alexandra Monir’s The Final Six, Review by Kimberly Christensen

The Final Six by Alexandra Monir Hardcover, 352 pages Published March 6, 2018 by HarperTeen Reviewed by Kimberly Christensen The Final Six is a young adult science fiction novel that leapfrogs the reader into a dystopian future in which space colonization is humanity’s best hope for survival. With megastorms, rising […]

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Climate Change Author Spotlight – Ned Tillman

Back to the series I continue my spotlight focus on authors whose novels are aimed toward a young adult and/or teen audience. These books might be interesting to teachers looking for titles that their students can read and discuss together; the storytelling about climate change is not entirely new but […]

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Compass Rose, Anna Burke

Click here to return to the series This month I spotlight Anna Burke and her novel Compass Rose (Bywater Books, 2018), a dystopian high-seas adventure that examines climate refugees, hanging ocean ecosystems, and ways  humanity might adapt to rising, warmer oceans while also following the protagonist as she comes of […]

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Climate Change Author Spotlight – James Bradley

Back to the series I continue my spotlight focus this year on authors whose novels are aimed toward a young adult and/or teen audience. These books might be interesting to teachers looking for titles that their students can read and discuss together; the storytelling about climate change is not entirely […]

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Beneath the Mother Tree

Author: © D. M. Cameron Publisher: MidnightSun Publishing Ordering: Amazon Publication Date: August 1, 2018 Social Media: Author blog, Facebook, Goodreads Back to the Dragonfly Library Even though the island of Moondarrawah is fictitious, this story takes place within the landscape of Quandamooka country. Moondarrawah is a Ngugi word granted […]

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Code Zero

The following are excerpts of Tom Hibbard’s Schizpo Code Zero: The Economics of Ambiguity and Creation of Value Back to the Dragonfly Library Forborne Photo (One) abstract open-axiom inquiry accelerates wages’ ritual descent amidst the scattered wastes of exclusion already formed as obsolescence in misused praxis cynicism appears as practicality […]

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Red Wolf, Paint, and Hawk – Jennifer Dance

Click here to return to the series Today we travel to North America to look at historical and modern Canada, and the environmental, social, and economic cruelty and injustice befallen to its people and land. I talk with Jennifer Dance, author of Red Wolf, Paint, Hawk, and the play Dandelions […]

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Shrinking Sinking Land

Author: © Kell CowleyPublication Date: December 14, 2018Ordering: AmazonSocial Media: Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Publisher (Odd Voice Out) Back to the Dragonfly Library This extract also appears in the 2016 climate change anthology Everything Change as it was selected as a prize winning finalist by sci-fi author Kim Stanley Robinson who […]

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Climate Change Author Spotlight – Edan Lepucki

Back to the series I was thrilled to chat with Edan about her work in the field of climate change and storytelling. She is the author of the novella If You’re Not Yet Like Me and the novels California and Woman No. 17.  California debuted at #3 on the New […]

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