For centuries, men had lived miles beneath the ground in order to survive the great Ice Block that had submerged the earth. In an attempt to resume human contact, Jim Barnes, his father and several other daring men emerge from a subterranean New York to cross the frozen Atlantic.

Average Rating:
3.5 rating based on 326 ratings (all editions)
ISBN-10: 0812554698
ISBN-13: 9780812554694
Goodreads: 449322
Author(s): Publisher: Tor Books
Published: 2//1988
2650 AD. The earth has been buried beneath a sheet of ice for 300 years. In cities miles beneath the surface humanity huddles, waiting for release.
Dr. Raymond Barnes waits with passion, and listens daily for evidence of life on the still Earth. Finally, a voice from across the void hails his open frequency...the surface awaits mankind.
But not all men are anxious to return to what was...those in power are determined to keep man in his new place, to retain their order of fear and oppression. Barnes and his courageous group of scientists and adventurers are arrested for possession of forbidden technology; the radio is destroyed! Their punishments is swift ejection from the underground city, their only hope is to reach London—3000 desolate miles across a frozen wasteland!
3.5 rating based on 326 ratings (all editions)
ISBN-10: 0812554698
ISBN-13: 9780812554694
Goodreads: 449322
Author(s): Publisher: Tor Books
Published: 2//1988
2650 AD. The earth has been buried beneath a sheet of ice for 300 years. In cities miles beneath the surface humanity huddles, waiting for release.
Dr. Raymond Barnes waits with passion, and listens daily for evidence of life on the still Earth. Finally, a voice from across the void hails his open frequency...the surface awaits mankind.
But not all men are anxious to return to what was...those in power are determined to keep man in his new place, to retain their order of fear and oppression. Barnes and his courageous group of scientists and adventurers are arrested for possession of forbidden technology; the radio is destroyed! Their punishments is swift ejection from the underground city, their only hope is to reach London—3000 desolate miles across a frozen wasteland!