Part I. The Fixer
The Fixer, a novella, chronicles the year leading up to the global collapse upon which The Raincoast Saga is based. A man who works for a powerful investment firm travels the world attempting to fix financial problems. In the process he is caught up in a relentless downward spiral toward the death of civilization.
Goodreads Reviews

3.5 rating based on 92 ratings (all editions)
ISBN-10: 098681735X
ISBN-13: 9780986817359
Goodreads: 28809274
Author(s): Publisher:
Published: //
The Fixer, a novella, chronicles the year leading up to the global collapse upon which The Raincoast Saga is based. A man who works for a powerful investment firm travels the world attempting to fix financial problems. In the process he is caught up in a relentless downward spiral toward the death of civilization.
Part II. Since Tomorrow
Since Tomorrow is a novel of a world in the remaking. The combined effects of climate change, economic collapse, a world-wide pandemic and a devastating earthquake have transformed Vancouver. The population has been decimated; most trees and houses have been burned for fuel; food is self-grown or acquired by barter; there is no modern technology, no law, education, medicine or government; privation is universal.
Goodreads Reviews

3.3 rating based on 181 ratings (all editions)
Goodreads: 18193658
Author(s): Publisher:
Published: //
"Since Tomorrow" is a novel of a world in the remaking. The combined effects of climate change, economic collapse, a world-wide pandemic and a devastating earthquake have transformed Vancouver. The population has been decimated; most trees and houses have been burned for fuel; food is self-grown or acquired by barter; there is no modern technology, no law, education, medicine or government; privation is universal.
An old man called Frost remembers the "good times". Those who live on his "farm" among collapsed warehouses and the foundations of vanished houses at the edge of the city struggle to maintain human values. But when others in this makeshift world are driven only by greed and the need for power, all values must ultimately be replaced by the simple instinct for survival.
"Since Tomorrow" is written in clear, sensuous language. It will appeal equally to those readers with a literary taste and those looking for an absorbing story with plenty of conflict leading to an inevitable violent confrontation.
Part III. Birds of Passage
Morgan Nyberg’s lucid and hypnotic prose compels the reader through scenes of danger, horror, despair, humour, deep love and unbearable personal conflict as Fraser and his companions struggle through apocalyptic landscapes natural and man made, never quite giving up hope for a better life.
Goodreads Reviews

3.7 rating based on 22 ratings (all editions)
ISBN-10: 0986817317
ISBN-13: 9780986817311
Goodreads: 22032497
Author(s): Publisher: Amazon KDP
Published: 2/27/2014
Imprisoned in the remains of an automobile from the "good times," three travelers wait through the night, held captive by a band of pyromancers. The "Fire Boss" squats beside a pyre, observing the manner in which the flames consume the human offering, the way the smoke curls into the dark sky, the arrangement of the ashes. What the fire tells him will determine the fate of the travelers. Will they be allowed to go on their way in the morning? Or will one of them - or all of them - be selected as the next offering?
BIRDS OF PASSAGE is set twenty years after the events of Morgan Nyberg's post-apocalyptic novel SINCE TOMORROW. Frost's farm, the setting of that novel, is in severe decline. If a better site for the farm is not found, the few remaining residents will soon be wiped out by the diseases ravaging the denizens of nearby Town. Frost's great-grandson, Fraser, heads into the coastal mountains of British Columbia with a few companions, hoping to find a new site for the farm. Following them is Fraser's father, Blaine, alcoholic, syphilitic, deranged, determined in his delusional way to protect his son. When Blaine appears at the settlement of the pyromancers, will he somehow rescue Fraser and his companions? Or will he turn this predicament - and the other calamities encountered on the trip north - from bad to worse?
BIRDS OF PASSAGE contains no commentary, no explanation. It is all showing, no telling. Morgan Nyberg's lucid and hypnotic prose compels the reader through scenes of danger, horror, despair, humour, deep love and unbearable personal conflict as Fraser and his companions struggle through apocalyptic landscapes natural and man made, never quite giving up hope for a better life.
Part IV. Medicine
It is sixty years since a catastrophic global collapse and pandemic plunged the world into a new Dark Age, which is becoming progressively darker. In this setting violent conflict is inevitable. But Fraser, a huge man with a huge heart, is troubled by the violence of his recent past.
Goodreads Reviews

3.9 rating based on 9 ratings (all editions)
ISBN-10: 0986817341
ISBN-13: 9780986817342
Goodreads: 26051698
Author(s): Publisher:
Published: //