When we began the site, we included Jo Marshall’s children’s books as separated posts rather than one series. Please search for “Twig Stories” in the search bar to find the first three volumes of this wonderful and brilliantly illustrated children’s series.
In the previous three adventure novels Twigs are thrust upon dangerous paths. Still, they discover their world has unexpected help. In the midst of disappearing habitats, beavers build mighty dams to control floods and quench wildfires. Bark beetles are fought. Rare trees are saved from extinction. Glaciers may shrink, but their precious water is not lost. Now Twigs must learn a lesson from the eruption of a volcano ~ incredible adaption is possible, so Leaf and his loyal Twig friends stick together and battle to survive.
Royalties are shared with nature conservancy nonprofits that protect wildlife and forests.
Twig Stories are illustrated by D.W. Murray, a Disney artist. His credits include Mulan, Tarzan, Lilo & Stitch, Brother Bear, Curious George, and many more. He is a recipient of the New York Society of Illustrators Gallery and the 2004 Gold Aurora Award.
Goodreads Reviews

4.3 rating based on 4 ratings (all editions)
ISBN-10: 1523782528
ISBN-13: 9781523782529
Goodreads: 29335154
Author(s): Publisher: Createspace
Published: 2/20/2016
In a vast forest impish stick creatures called Twigs are caught up in an extraordinary adventure when a mammoth volcano rumbles a warning. Changes are coming to the old forest! One young Twig named Leaf and his brave friends must escape when Echo Peak wakes up, but all the forest paths are perilous. Some try a river escape, while others dare the cliffs of a gorge. Leaf and his Twig friends Rustle and Feather risk the gloom of a snaking, prehistoric lava tube, but deadly bats and a vicious mole block the way. Twigs must stick together for their only safety may be in the distant Red Forest to the west, but does it even exist?
In the previous three adventure novels Twigs are thrust upon dangerous paths. Still, they discover their world has unexpected help. In the midst of disappearing habitats, beavers build mighty dams to control floods and quench wildfires. Bark beetles are fought. Rare trees are saved from extinction. Glaciers may shrink, but their precious water is not lost. Now Twigs must learn a lesson from the eruption of a volcano ~ incredible adaption is possible, so Leaf and his loyal Twig friends stick together and battle to survive.
Royalties are shared with nature conservancy nonprofits that protect wildlife and forests.
Twig Stories are illustrated by D.W. Murray, a Disney artist. His credits include Mulan, Tarzan, Lilo & Stitch, Brother Bear, Curious George, and many more. He is a recipient of the New York Society of Illustrators Gallery and the 2004 Gold Aurora Award.
Please visit the Twig Stories website ~ discounts, puzzles, reviews & news! twigstories.com Thank you!