Working closely with Moebius Productions in France, Dark Horse is putting the work of a master storyteller back in print–with some material in English for the first time! Stel and Atan are interstellar investigators trying to find a lost space station and its crew. When they discover the mythical paradise planet Edena, their lives are changed forever. The long out-of-print Edena Cycle from Moebius gets a deluxe hardcover treatment! Moebius’s World of Edena story arc is comprised of five chapters–Upon a Star, Gardens of Edena, The Goddess, Stel, and Sra–which are all collected here.
One of the most influential of these was the science fiction comic Le Monde d’Edena (The World of Edena), which follows Stel and Atan, two interstellar travelers who land on the mythical paradise planet Edena, where topics like gender roles, humanity’s reliance on technology, environmental issues, and even lucid dreaming are explored.
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4.2 rating based on 2,997 ratings (all editions)
ISBN-10: 1506702163
ISBN-13: 9781506702162
Goodreads: 29726952
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Working closely with Moebius Productions in France, Dark Horse is putting the work of a master storyteller back in print--with some material in English for the first time!
Stel and Atan are interstellar investigators trying to find a lost space station and its crew. When they discover the mythical paradise planet Edena, their lives are changed forever. The long out-of-print Edena Cycle from Moebius gets a deluxe hardcover treatment! Moebius's World of Edena story arc comprises five chapters--Upon a Star, Gardens of Edena, The Goddess, Stel, and Sra--which are all collected here.
A storyboard artist and designer ("Alien, Tron, The Fifth Element," among many others) as well as comic book master, Moebius's work has influenced creators in countless fields.