Michael Racine lives in a world of highly successful and accomplished teenagers. Unfortunately, he isn’t one of them. He knows it, and he’s afraid everyone else does too. So when he gets the chance to intern at a magazine run by friends of his grandparents, he jumps at it.
The Earth’s Wife, founded in the 1960s, is a famous environmental magazine, and Walt and Nora live what they preach. Tofu, solar energy, composting toilets. . . . By the end of the car ride with Walt and Nora to Vermont, Michael is having serious second thoughts. Too bad it’s too late.
Gauthier explores what can happen when a typical, self-absorbed teenage boy is influenced by radical, environmentally concerned senior citizens in her fifth novel. The possibilities for humor are endless.
Goodreads Reviews

3.4 rating based on 39 ratings (all editions)
ISBN-10: 0399237615
ISBN-13: 9780399237614
Goodreads: 686676
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Published: //
Michael Racine lives in a world of highly successful and accomplished teenagers. Unfortunately, he isn't one of them. He knows it, and he's afraid everyone else does too. So when he gets the chance to intern at a magazine run by friends of his grandparents, he jumps at it.
The Earth's Wife, founded in the 1960s, is a famous environmental magazine, and Walt and Nora live what they preach. Tofu, solar energy, composting toilets. . . . By the end of the car ride with Walt and Nora to Vermont, Michael is having serious second thoughts. Too bad it's too late.
Gauthier explores what can happen when a typical, self-absorbed teenage boy is influenced by radical, environmentally-concerned senior citizens in her fifth novel. The possibilities for humor are endless.
A new eBook edition is also available. http://www.amazon.com/Saving-Planet-S...