Prudence Burns, a failed writer living in Brooklyn (her young adult novel was poorly received because it was filled with earnest young people talking about global warming) inherits a ramshackle farm in Canada from an uncle she’s never met. -Goodreads review
This wonderful book brings us to a farm on an island in Canada. The story is told from the interior perspective of four people. Prudence is a 25 year old New Yorker living on a modest income from her parents who dreams of being a sustainable farmer. Her drive to compost, garden, and her earth-friendly behavior leads to one of the funnier breakups I’ve read. -Goodreads review
Canadian Library Association Young Adult Book Award Nominee
Goodreads Reviews

3.9 rating based on 3,312 ratings (all editions)
ISBN-10: 0061995193
ISBN-13: 9780061995194
Goodreads: 8753451
Author(s): Publisher:
Published: //
Prudence Burns, a well-intentioned New Yorker full of back-to-the-land ideals, just inherited Woefield Farm—thirty acres of scrubland, dilapidated buildings, and one half-sheared sheep. But the bank is about to foreclose, so Prudence must turn things around fast! Fortunately she'll have help from Earl, her banjo-playing foreman with a family secret; Seth, the neighbor who hasn't left the house since a high school scandal; and Sara Spratt, an eleven-year-old who's looking for a home for her prize-winning chickens.
Home to Woefield is about learning how to take on a challenge, face your fears, and find friendship in the most unlikely of places.