Each book stands alone, although all books in the cycle are set in the same universe.
Works are not numbered, as author says: “People write me nice letters asking what order they ought to read my science fiction books in — the ones that are called the Hainish or Ekumen cycle or saga or something. The thing is, they aren’t a cycle or a saga. They do not form a coherent history. There are some clear connections among them, yes, but also some extremely murky ones. And some great discontinuities.”
Goodreads Reviews

Average Rating:
3.8 rating based on 22,356 ratings (all editions)
ISBN-10: 0441732968
ISBN-13: 9780441732968
Goodreads: 92610
Author(s): Publisher:
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A world shared by three native humanoid races - the cavern-dwelling Gdemiar, elvish Fiia, and warrior clan, Liuar - is suddenly invaded and conquered by a fleet of ships from the stars. Earth scientist Rocannon is on that world, and he sees his friends murdered and his spaceship destroyed. Marooned among alien peoples, he leads the battle to free this new world - and finds that legends grow around him even as he fights.
3.8 rating based on 22,356 ratings (all editions)
ISBN-10: 0441732968
ISBN-13: 9780441732968
Goodreads: 92610
Author(s): Publisher:
Published: //
A world shared by three native humanoid races - the cavern-dwelling Gdemiar, elvish Fiia, and warrior clan, Liuar - is suddenly invaded and conquered by a fleet of ships from the stars. Earth scientist Rocannon is on that world, and he sees his friends murdered and his spaceship destroyed. Marooned among alien peoples, he leads the battle to free this new world - and finds that legends grow around him even as he fights.
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