Dystopian fiction comes and goes, and too many assume the trappings of formula productions; but the test of any superior story line lies in its ability to draw readers with powerful characterization and associations that lend to a reader’s emotional connections with events as they unfold. Code Blue holds a special ability to juxtapose both the bigger ecological picture with the microcosm of a young adult’s personal challenges as she moves through this world.
-Diane Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review
Code Blue, an important novel of our times, told by the perspective of a science student named Atlantic Brewer (Tic for short) in the future, is coming on Earth Day 2018 (April 22). Share with friends, and email for a free review PDF! You will love Tic, awe at our future, applaud students trying to understand and mitigate the changes in our planet, and take to heart this story of humanity and love.
-Mary Woodbury, curator of Eco-fiction.com
Code Blue is a YA speculative thriller mystery set in a not-so-distant future where rising temperatures and sea levels have dramatically reshaped the world in which we live. Author Marissa Slaven keeps you hanging page after page as the story unfolds. Young adults and teenagers who worry about our planet will get something from this novel and at the same time relate to it on a personal level as they worry about their immediate futures: can I get into the college I want–and their planet’s present and future: how will global warming change our home, our lives?
Goodreads Reviews

4.2 rating based on 51 ratings (all editions)
ISBN-10: 1927685273
ISBN-13: 9781927685273
Goodreads: 36394802
Author(s): Publisher: Moon Willow Press
Published: 4/22/2018
Code Blue is a YA speculative thriller mystery set in a not-so-distant future where rising temperatures and sea levels have dramatically reshaped the world in which we live. Author Marissa Slaven keeps you hanging page after page as the story unfolds. Young adults and teenagers who worry about our planet will get something from this novel and at the same time relate to it on a personal level as they worry about their immediate futures: can I get into the college I want–and their planet’s present and future: how will global warming change our home, our lives?
"Dystopian fiction comes and goes, and too many assume the trappings of formula productions; but the test of any superior story line lies in its ability to draw readers with powerful characterization and associations that lend to a reader’s emotional connections with events as they unfold. Code Blue holds a special ability to juxtapose both the bigger ecological picture with the microcosm of a young adult’s personal challenges as she moves through this world." Diane Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review