Update: These stories are free to read at ASU. A new edition just came out on Earth Day 2021.
Authors: Manjana Milkoreit (Editor), Meredith Martinez (Editor), Joey Eschrich (Editor), Kim Stanley Robinson (Contributor), Paolo Bacigalupi (Contributor), Adam Flynn, Andrew Dana Hudson, Kelly Cowley , Matthew S. Henry, Ashley Bevilacqua Anglin, Daniel Thron, Kathryn Blume, Stirling Davenport, Diana Rose Harper, Henrietta Hart, Shauna O’Meara, Lindsay Redifer, Yakos Spiliotopoulos, Ed Finn (Contributor)
A collection of gripping stories that explore a range of possible futures for Earth and humanity transformed by climate change. Featuring contributions from renowned science fiction authors Kim Stanley Robinson and Paolo Bacigalupi, along with 12 stories from Arizona State University’s 2016 Climate Fiction Short Story Contest.
Goodreads Reviews

3.9 rating based on 58 ratings (all editions)
ISBN-10: 1536577146
ISBN-13: 9781536577143
Goodreads: 32367580
Author(s): Publisher: ASU Imagination and Climate Futures Initiative
Published: 9//2016
A collection of gripping stories that explore a range of possible futures for Earth and humanity transformed by climate change. Featuring contributions from renowned science fiction authors Kim Stanley Robinson and Paolo Bacigalupi, along with 12 stories from Arizona State University's 2016 Climate Fiction Short Story Contest.