Darcie Little Badger introduced herself to the world with Elatsoe. In A Snake Falls to Earth, she draws on traditional Lipan Apache storytelling structure to weave another unforgettable tale of monsters, magic, and family. It is not to be missed.
I get how there’s a lot of uncertainty about the future and, you know, things are going to be difficult and in A Snake Falls to Earth, the main character is actually dealing with some of the ramifications of climate change in Texas in the near future. But something that I say a lot is, I do think it is my responsibility to fight for the best possible future that generations after mine can experience and not to give up, and so hope plays a big role in that and it also ends up playing a big role in my books.
–Darcie Little Badger, Princeton.edu
A Snake Falls to Earth by Darcie Little Badger
Published: Nov 23, 2021 by Levine Querido c/o Chronicle Books
ISBN: 9781646140923
Price: $28.99
Format: Hardback
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