Note: This survey is no longer active.
Thanks so much to Matthew Schneider-Mayerson, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies at Yale, for notifying me some time ago about a survey he has developed to find out who reads climate change fiction and to get some sense of what they take away from these books. Matthew said that he “teaches and writes about ecofiction and climate change fiction.”
The survey is now open and should take 20 to 25 minutes to complete. You will be asked to answer basic multiple-choice questions and reflect on a work of literature you have read. This survey is anonymous, and any potentially identifying data will be kept completely separate from the study materials. Your participation in this study will remain completely confidential.
Survey link:
One out of every twenty respondents will be randomly selected to receive compensation for completing this survey, in the form of either a gift card to Amazon or a donation (of the same amount) to the charity or organization of your choice. You must respond to all questions to be eligible for compensation. You will have the opportunity to enter your e-mail address at the end of the survey.