Indie Corner

Indie Corner – Barbara Newman

Back to the Indie Corner series This month’s Indie Corner explores Barbara Newman’s The Dreamcatcher Codes. Barbara Newman always wanted to be a cowgirl. Growing up in New York didn’t stop her. She took that can-do spirit and became an award-winning global creative director, leaving an indelible mark on brand culture. […]

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Indie Corner – Sonia Myers

Back to the Indie Corner series It was great to talk with Sonia Meyers about her first novel, We Have Something to Say!, a children’s book. Sonia Myers started her writing career at the Half Moon Bay Review newspaper, contributing articles and reporting on sports. She is currently a middle-school […]

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Indie Corner – Cai Emmons

Back to the Indie Corner series Thanks so much to Cai Emmons, author of Sinking Islands (a sequel to Weather Woman), for answering some questions about her new book. Sinking Islands is out September 14, 2021, from Red Hen Press. Cai is also the author of the novels His Mother’s […]

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Indie Corner – Emma Reynolds

Back to the Indie Corner series I was thrilled to talk with Emma Reynolds, author of the just-out children’s book Amara and the Bats, a beautifully written and illustrated story that reminds us of the determination of youth and the importance of bats. Emma Reynolds is an illustrator and author […]

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Indie Corner – Paul S. Piper

Back to the Indie Corner series I’m happy to have the chance to talk with Paul S. Piper, author of the novel The Wolves of Mirr (Book View Cafe, February 2021), which is set in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana. Paul has five published books of poetry, including Dogs and […]

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Indie Corner – Jaimee Wriston

Back to the Indie Corner series I’m thrilled to talk with Jaimee Wriston Colbert again. In this Indie Corner, we explore her new novel How Not to Drown (written as Jaimee Wriston). We’ve chatted before  at Dragonfly about her books Wild Things and Vanishing Acts. So when I found a […]

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Indie Corner – Anne Coray

Back to the Indie Corner series I’m thrilled to introduce author Anne Coray to the Indie Corner spotlight. As a lifelong Alaskan, place has always helped define Anne. Born in a log cabin on Lake Clark (first named by the Dena’ina Athabaskans Qizhjeh Vena), she spent her first two years […]

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Indie Corner – Claire Datnow

Back to the Indie Corner series I’m delighted to present Claire Datnow as this month’s Indie Corner author. Claire was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, which ignited her love for the natural world and diverse cultures. Claire taught creative writing to gifted and talented students in the Birmingham, […]

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Indie Corner – Joel Burcat

Back to the Indie Corner series It’s been cool to meet Joel Burcat, an author and recently retired environmental lawyer, who has written a series of environmental legal thrillers. The first, Drink to Every Beast, was featured by Kirkus Reviews, Good Day PA, the Green Life Blue Water blog, and […]

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Indie Corner – Ian Boyd and Gary Luck

Back to the Indie Corner series I was happy to meet Ian Boyd and Gary Luck by way of their new children’s novel Melody Finch, a story about the hardships of drought in Australia’s Murray Darling Basin river system, as seen through the eyes of its native wildlife. Ian Boyd’s […]

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Indie Corner – Neus Figueras

Back to the Indie Corner series It was my pleasure to talk with Indie Corner spotlight author Neus Figueras, who was born in Barcelona and grew up in a small village among the vineyards of the Penedès region. If she wasn’t running through the streets or the open fields, she […]

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Indie Corner – Peter Brennan

Back to the Indie Corner series Welcome to the third post in our new Indie Corner series. Today we talk with Dr. Peter Brennan, whose first novel, Iceapelago, was inspired by his keen interest in climate change. He chaired the Climate Change Research Group at the Institute for European and […]

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Indie Corner – Shirley DicKard

Back to the Indie Corner series Welcome to our second interview in the new Indie Corner series. This month we talk with Shirley DicKard about her independently published novel Heart Wood: Four Women, for the Earth, for the Future. I was fascinated that Shirley lives in the neighborhood of Gary […]

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Indie Corner – Esther T. Jones

Back to the Indie Corner series Our first Indie Corner welcomes Esther T. Jones, who has been writing stories in her head since she was five. She loves wandering the wilds of rural America–where she’s dreamed up many a story. When not writing, Jones can be found gardening, playing flute […]

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Indie Corner – Announcement

Inspired by Ursula K Le Guin’s speech at the 2014 National Book Awards, I’m happy to announce that will be hosting a new Indie Corner, which will freely promote well-written and engaging ecologically oriented novels and short stories that have been self-published or published through small independent presses. Ursula’s […]

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