
Interview with Peter Romilly, Cli-fidelity

Thanks again for doing an interview with Cli-Fi Books. We first talked last October about your book 500 Parts per Million. It was a great interview, and I was intrigued by your comparison of proactive youth in the 1960s compared to modern day–especially now when we face the biggest environmental […]

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Interview with Jim Gilbert, The Admiral

I wholly enjoyed reading this adventure story, a thrilling journey and ride with wonderful character development and a highly contagious heroine, Aqual. It’s a magnificent novel–something that many first-time authors do not achieve. The Admiral is a post-apocalyptic novel about a community of people trying to survive a climate-changed world […]

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Interview with Morgan Nyberg, The Raincoast Saga

Morgan Nyberg is the author of a few titles, including two novels thus far in his Raincoast Saga. Intrigued by these books being set where I live, albeit far in the future, I asked Morgan for an interview and he politely agreed. For the record, I greatly enjoyed reading both […]

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The Works of Arthur Herzog and a Talk with his Widow Leslie

The tradition of fiction about climate change goes way back–you could say all the way back to narratives of old that were spoken or written. The canon began before we knew more about our modern human-caused climate variations, even before sci-fi writers imagined such climate disasters. The Science Fiction Encyclopedia […]

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Interview with Emmi Itäranta, Memory of Water

Updated announcement: This novel is being made into a movie. I want to thank Emmi for this wonderful interview. My first pleasure was reading her book, Memory of Water. The novel takes place in the future after climate change has ravished economies and ecologies, and made fresh water scarce. When […]

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Interview with Sarah Holding of the SeaBEAN Trilogy

Thanks so much to Sarah Holding, author of the SeaBEAN Trilogy, for this wonderful interview. We are thrilled to talk to this awesome and talented writer who is very active in her community. Mary: I recently did a little study at (now in a project where I categorized […]

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Interview with Lisa Devaney of In Ark: A Promise of Survival

Mary of recently interviewed first-time novelist Lisa Devaney about her title In Ark: A Promise of Survival. Your book, In Ark: A Promise of Survival, is set in a future world. How did you imagine this future scenario? I’ve always been intrigued by what might happen in the future. […]

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Interview with John Atcheson of A Being Darkly Wise

I had the pleasure of interviewing author John Atcheson after reading his novel A Being Darkly Wise, which is the first part of a trilogy. I read this novel in the course of less than a week, deeply hooked on what it was saying and where it was leading us. […]

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Interview with Tony White of Shackleton’s Man Goes South

Tony White Tony White is the author of Shackleton’s Man Goes South, which he wrote while a writer in residence at the Science Museum in London. 1. You were writer in residence at the Science Museum in London. Were you chosen among others to fulfill this writing position? Thank you […]

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Interview with Dr. Richard L. Bailey, Author of Stormy

Dr. Richard L. Bailey, author of novel Stormy, granted us an interview about his studies in climate change and his inspiration for writing this novel. 1. What led you to write this novel? I wrote the novel to create images in people’s minds of what is very likely to happen […]

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Interview with Peter Romilly, Author of 500 Parts Per Million

We were very fortunate to hear from Scottish author Peter Romilly, who wrote 500 Parts Per Million, a title we recently listed here. His sequel Cli-Fidelity will be published soon. Peter was an economics teacher and researcher for many years, but now writes novels. His fiction focuses on one of […]

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