
Impacts of Environmental Fiction – Survey Results

Today, this site celebrates its 7th anniversary! I figured I’d give back to readers something I’ve been working on. But if not for you, these survey results wouldn’t be possible, so thank you! Last autumn I had a chance to speak at Ecocity Vancouver about healthy socio-cultural subjects regarding climate […]

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Statement of Solidarity

Introductory Resources: Black Lives Matters website Nnedi Okorafor’s article on Afro- vs. Africanfuturism #publishingpaidme hashtag More on #publishingpaidme Lovis Geier’s introduction into Black authors and trends in the field of eco-fiction Artists & Climate Change’s new series on Black Artists and Storytellers on the Climate Crisis My article at Medium […]

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Environmental Fiction Survey

I invite you to check out this survey that gauges interest, social impacts, and trends of eco-fiction readers. Please participate and share with friends, family, students, and colleagues who love to read books! The survey is here if you have a Google account and here if you do not have […]

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August 9 – Our 8th Anniversary & Survey Results!

Though this site was in the makings in July of 2013, the first post was August 9th that year. Even that earlier material was a continuation of a list of novels I had already published at BC Rainforest (which is no longer in existence). I had no idea back then […]

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Backyard Wildlife – There’s Something in the Water

Back to Series I’m finally here, near Halifax, land of many forests and lakes. Flying into the airport I felt both worried about my multi-city flight across the country during a pandemic but was also thrilled to see a land of plenty, seemingly. My writing room overlooks the back yard, […]

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A Word About Covid-19

As many of you may know, my husband and I began the process of planning a move from Vancouver to Halifax. This started before the coronavirus hit. And even in our latest planning, the disease had not become a pandemic yet and Canada was still considered low risk. As we […]

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Top Ten Ecologically Oriented Novels & Films of the Decade

Welcome to the first day of December in a changing world. No blue hinges the sky. It’s all gray and cold and still as I write. A soft snow begins to fall. Cedars stand like sentinels. Crows call to each other. Grass is still green but covered in frost. I […]

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Fun Experiment: AI Writing Our Stories

I read an interesting article at LitHub yesterday that used an on online AI-bot to write more of some of the world’s classic novels based upon first sentences. I decided to use the same Transformer tool to see what its response would be to some of my favorite eco-fiction stories, […]

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Eco-Weird & Horror Themes in Literature and the Arts

Join us over at Facebook for a link a day–October 23 to November 2, the Day of the Dead. These stories show how eco-horror and eco-weird literature and other arts deal with both the uncanny and the real. The featured image is one I took at the Vancouver Climate Strike […]

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YA and Teen Fiction Exploring Climate Change

Updated: Click here for Dragonfly’s YA/teen bookshelf. Followers of this site will be familiar with my spotlight on authors who explore global warming in fiction. This is a diverse series–recognizing various genres, voices, and storytelling styles which cover the subject of climate change found in fiction. Generally speaking, climate change […]

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Stormbird Press

Stormbird Press books—As if nature were not beautiful enough! When Nelson Mandela famously said ‘education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world’, he was inspiring a generation of readers to think, read and act. For centuries we have gained knowledge of the natural world through […]

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Wild Speculations and Ruptured Paradigms

Written and © by Annis Pratt and previously published at her blog, The Worlds We Long For   Last summer I wrote an essay about whether climate warming will cause the extinction of the human species, so when I came across an article by Lucy Jakub on “Wild Speculation: Evolution After Humans,” I was […]

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The Middle Earth Universe, J.R.R. Tolkien

This is the 600th book post made in the years I’ve run Dragonfly, and I wanted to make it special on this fifth anniversary. Perhaps this should have been my first post ever, but it took me a long time to come up with a standard for any sort of […]

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Could Eco-Literature Be the Next Major Literary Wave?

Eco-literature needs to move beyond the sterile badgering of activism and delve deeper into human stories of subtlety. Written by Rajesh Subramanian Reprinted with permissions from The Wire India and Rajesh Subramanian   Eco-literature includes the whole gamut of literary works, including fiction, poetry and criticism, which lay stress on […]

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