It was Uncle Tom’s Cabin, not economic data, that turned the page on slavery. It was The Grapes of Wrath, not demographic reports, that opened a nation’s eyes to Dust Bowl dislocation. Out of that tradition comes Michael J. Fitzgerald’s The Fracking War. Here, within a smoldering crucible of social […]
Eis Tau (Melting Ice), Ilija Trojanow
Ein Mann, der die Gletscher so sehr liebt, dass er an ihrem Sterben verzweifelt: Zeno hat sein Leben als Glaziologe einem Alpengletscher gewidmet. Als das Sterben seines Gletschers nicht mehr aufzuhalten ist, heuert er auf einem Kreuzfahrtschiff an, um Touristen die Wunder der Antarktis zu erklären. Doch auf seiner Reise […]
Read MoreLondon 2084, Jon Bing and Tor Åge Bringsværd
År 2084: Havnivået har steget og satt byer og land delvis under vann. Ozonlaget er tynt, dyrelivet er nesten utryddet, og ny teknologi og et formidabelt offentlig overvåkningssystem har skapt en radikalt annerledes hverdag.En vanlig grå aprildag i Oslo får privatetterforsker Robert Altermann en overraskende ny sak i fanget: I […]
Read MoreMengele Zoo, Gert Nygårdshaug
Fattiggutten Mino er født i regnskogen. Han er sommerfuglfanger og elsker jungelens mangfold av liv. Samtidig som Mino samler sommerfugler, ser han at jungelen ødelegges av multinasjonale selskaper. En dag rammer katastrofen også hans landsby, og Mino er plutselig i sentrum av de store regnskogenes tragedie. Etter dette forvandles Mino […]
Read MoreAmelia Lionheart’s Eco Children’s Book Collection
I recently had a long phone conversation with the lovely Amelia Lionheart, whose interview I will post in the next few months. Amelia runs JEACs (Junior Environmentalists and Conservationists); she attempts to enlighten children – through the means of adventure stories – about conservation and environmental issues. Amelia sent and […]
Read MoreConvergence, David M. Henley
[Henley’s] world is set 150 years in the future, after the Earth has suffered devastating bouts of climate change and conflict. From this a new society has emerged, ruled by a World Union. –The Australian Goodreads Reviews Back to GoodReads
Read MoreSuncatcher, Alia Gee
Professor Radicand Jones has survived climate change, pandemic and peak oil-but can she protect her sister’s airship flock from pirates, and hunt down their shadowy sponsors before the aether drives her mad? Goodreads Reviews Back to GoodReads
Read MoreHaw, Sean Jackson
Mired in a corrupt, dangerous city that is on the verge of collapse, a father and son flee to a rural village, hoping to find refuge from their violent lives. What they find is not the haunted hippie environs of local legend, but a gritty farm community that thrives despite […]
Read MoreGene Mapper, Taiyo Fujii
In a future where reality has been augmented and biology itself has been hacked, the world’s food supply is genetically modified, superior, and vulnerable. When gene mapper Hayashida discovers that his custom rice plant has experienced a dysgenic collapse, he suspects sabotage. Hayashida travels Asia to find himself in Ho […]
Read MoreAt the Sharp End of Lightning, N.R. Bates
At the Sharp End of Lightning is a serious novel about ocean ecology and climate change. It is set amidst issues of family, loss and sacrifice, unexpected gifts, and coping with disability and new abilities. The novel is about ritual and doubt–and explores myth as well as celtic legends and […]
Read MoreWhile Glaciers Slept, M Jackson
Occasionally we post notable non-fiction here, especially when it either covers eco-fiction history or when it is written so creatively that it tells an engaging story. While Glaciers Slept is one such new book. While Glaciers Slept weaves together the parallel stories of what happens when the climates of a […]
Read MoreJourney to the Heart of the World, John Lundin
A parable-like work of fiction reminiscent of the work of Paulo Coelho, Journey to the Heart of the World was written while the author, John Lundin, was living among and learning from the indigenous tribes of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in northern Colombia. Its message, both humanitarian and […]
Read MoreExistence, David Brin
Bestselling, award-winning futurist David Brin returns to globe-spanning, high concept SF with Existence. Gerald Livingston is an orbital garbage collector. For a hundred years, people have been abandoning things in space, and someone has to clean it up. But there’s something spinning a little bit higher than he expects, something […]
Read MoreCry of the Sea, D.G. Driver
Now begins a complex story of intrigue, conspiracy and manipulation as June, her parents, a marine biologist and his handsome young intern, her best friend, the popular clique at school and the oil company fight over the fate of the mermaids. From the author: I wanted to share my novel […]
Read MoreThe Osiris Project (Series), E.J. Swift
When it came to writing The Osiris Project, I had the world map in mind very early on – a world radically altered by climate change, with borders redrawn and civilization shifted towards the poles. And that underpinned so much of the trilogy, in terms of character, society, political agendas, […]
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