Thanks to author James Corkill for introducing his Alex Cave series to us. He states: I would like to tell you a little bit about my eco-fiction stories. In each book, Alex must find an unconventional means to save the planet from different environmental disasters. Alex Cave is a geophysics […]
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The Fracking War, Michael J. Fitzgerald
It was Uncle Tom’s Cabin, not economic data, that turned the page on slavery. It was The Grapes of Wrath, not demographic reports, that opened a nation’s eyes to Dust Bowl dislocation. Out of that tradition comes Michael J. Fitzgerald’s The Fracking War. Here, within a smoldering crucible of social […]
Read MoreEis Tau (Melting Ice), Ilija Trojanow
Ein Mann, der die Gletscher so sehr liebt, dass er an ihrem Sterben verzweifelt: Zeno hat sein Leben als Glaziologe einem Alpengletscher gewidmet. Als das Sterben seines Gletschers nicht mehr aufzuhalten ist, heuert er auf einem Kreuzfahrtschiff an, um Touristen die Wunder der Antarktis zu erklären. Doch auf seiner Reise […]
Read MoreLondon 2084, Jon Bing and Tor Åge Bringsværd
År 2084: Havnivået har steget og satt byer og land delvis under vann. Ozonlaget er tynt, dyrelivet er nesten utryddet, og ny teknologi og et formidabelt offentlig overvåkningssystem har skapt en radikalt annerledes hverdag.En vanlig grå aprildag i Oslo får privatetterforsker Robert Altermann en overraskende ny sak i fanget: I […]
Read MoreGene Mapper, Taiyo Fujii
In a future where reality has been augmented and biology itself has been hacked, the world’s food supply is genetically modified, superior, and vulnerable. When gene mapper Hayashida discovers that his custom rice plant has experienced a dysgenic collapse, he suspects sabotage. Hayashida travels Asia to find himself in Ho […]
Read MoreThe Kepler Code, Paul McKay
After global bee and butterfly populations crash, famines and pandemics divide the world into three rival political and military blocs. Each seek to create deadly viral missiles. Confronted by the malevolent Bounty Inc., a Nobel Prize scientist and a beautiful Brazilian biologist join a radical green underground headed by the […]
Read MoreThe Jaguar’s Children, John Vaillant
While Valliant’s writing could fall in the “man vs. nature” category, he has said that he sees the need for a shift in our relationship with nature, “from a vertical one of dominance and submission to a horizontal one of co-collaborators.” And it’s this idea that connects his non-fiction to his novel. The Jaguar’s […]
Read MoreFind Me, Laura van den Berg
Set in a near-future U.S. blighted by disastrous climate change and a baffling, incurable new disease, the book is narrated by Joy, a young woman abandoned as an infant by her mother. Joy spends her first 18 years in a series of grim group and foster homes around Boston. It’s […]
Read MoreThe Tourist Trail, John Yunker
Biologist Angela Haynes is accustomed to dark, lonely nights as one of the few humans at a penguin research station in Patagonia. She has grown used to the cries of penguins before dawn, to meager supplies and housing, to spending most of her days in one of the most remote […]
Read MoreThe Shark Rider, Ellen Prager
After thwarting the dastardly plans of JP Rickerton, Tristan Hunt is having trouble keeping his newfound talents a secret. And if undercover spies and a mysterious illness threatening to expose the secrets of camp weren’t enough, reports of dying fish and disappearing sponge in the Caribbean call Tristan and his […]
Read MoreWatermind, M.M. Buckner
From storm drains, illegal dumps, and flooded landfills, all of North America’s most advanced technology flows down the Mississippi River—microchips, nano-devices, pharmaceuticals, genetically modified seed—and lodges in the Louisiana delta. Out of this mire emerges a self-organized neural net, drifting in the water: the Watermind. Goodreads Reviews Back to GoodReads
Read MoreThe Peripheral, William Gibson
In a presumably late-21st Century/early-22nd Century timeframe, somewhere in the rural South of the United States of America, in a world that is slowly going to hell but in which technology which is now, in the early 21st Century, in its infancy, is commonplace and well advanced from the state […]
Read MoreFallen Angels – Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, Michael Flynn
Having been shot down over the North Dakota glacier, two Space Habs astronauts find themselves paralyzed by the Earth’s gravity and at the center of a ruthless manhunt by the United States government. Reviews Back to GoodReads
Read MoreMother of Storms, John Barnes
It is 2028. A strike to destroy an illegal Arctic weapons cache has a catastrophic side effect. Massive amounts of energy are liberated from the polar ice, suddenly and radically warming the Earth’s climate. Reviews Back to GoodReads
Read MoreTime of the Great Freeze, Robert Silverberg
For centuries, men had lived miles beneath the ground in order to survive the great Ice Block that had submerged the earth. In an attempt to resume human contact, Jim Barnes, his father and several other daring men emerge from a subterranean New York to cross the frozen Atlantic. Reviews […]
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