I was interested in making people aware of these environmental issues, but also how they affect people, and the stories about what happens after the incidents. -Author Rene Steinke, Houstonia Magazine Friendswood, Texas, is a small Gulf Coast town of church suppers, oil rigs on the horizon, hurricane weather, and […]
Read MoreArticles by: Mary Woodbury
Scorched Earth: Alien Wonders, Delilah Jean Williams
Scorched Earth, Alien Wonders is a futuristic, light-hearted, eco-adventure about hope, betrayal, love and enlightenment told from a non-human perspective. It asks the question: Can any evolved, intelligent race ever claim to be free of greed, cruelty and corruption? At its core, the book has a powerful message on environmental […]
Read MoreGarapaima: A Monster Fish Novel, Mark Spitzer
A twenty-foot-long, mutated monster-fish is loose in Phantom Loon Lake, Ontario, thanks to a top secret government conspiracy to design a Freak Species of Mass Destruction! Crabby old angler Jack Nadler is thrown together with a whacko cast of cartoony characters, including the most grizzly professor to ever wrestle alligators, […]
Read MoreStar’s Reach: A Novel Of The Deindustrial Future, John Michael Greer
More than four centuries have passed since industrial civilization stumbled to its ruin under the self-inflicted blows of climate change and resource depletion. Now, in the ruins of a deserted city, a young man mining metal risks his life to win a priceless clue. That discovery will send him and […]
Read MoreInterview with M Jackson, While Glaciers Slept
Part X. Women Working in Nature and the Arts M Jackson joins our Women Working in Nature and the Arts series. She is an adventurer and environmental educator pursing a doctorate in geography and earth science at the University of Oregon, where she is researching glaciers and climate change in […]
Read MoreThree Moments of an Explosion, China Miéville
London awakes one morning to find itself besieged by a sky full of floating icebergs. Destroyed oil rigs, mysteriously reborn, clamber from the sea and onto the land, driven by an obscure but violent purpose. An anatomy student cuts open a cadaver to discover impossibly intricate designs carved into a […]
Read MoreCarbon, Daniel Boyd
West Virginia writer and film director Daniel Boyd’s graphic novel Carbon is a horror comic in which coal is a monster. Its first chapter, a creation story involving hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon, is narrated by God himself. –Santa Fe New Mexican Books An allegory on the role of coal and […]
Read MoreRichard Friedman’s Writing Process Blog Tour
1. What am I working on now? The Two Worlds of Billy Callahan. 12 year-old Billy inadvertently connects to an ancient “Orb”, left on Earth millions of years ago by a previous civilization that colonized the planet. They ruin the environment, and flee Earth. Billy’s guide on his journey places […]
Read MoreThe Alex Cave Series, James Corkill
Thanks to author James Corkill for introducing his Alex Cave series to us. He states: I would like to tell you a little bit about my eco-fiction stories. In each book, Alex must find an unconventional means to save the planet from different environmental disasters. Alex Cave is a geophysics […]
Read MoreThe Fracking War, Michael J. Fitzgerald
It was Uncle Tom’s Cabin, not economic data, that turned the page on slavery. It was The Grapes of Wrath, not demographic reports, that opened a nation’s eyes to Dust Bowl dislocation. Out of that tradition comes Michael J. Fitzgerald’s The Fracking War. Here, within a smoldering crucible of social […]
Read MoreEis Tau (Melting Ice), Ilija Trojanow
Ein Mann, der die Gletscher so sehr liebt, dass er an ihrem Sterben verzweifelt: Zeno hat sein Leben als Glaziologe einem Alpengletscher gewidmet. Als das Sterben seines Gletschers nicht mehr aufzuhalten ist, heuert er auf einem Kreuzfahrtschiff an, um Touristen die Wunder der Antarktis zu erklären. Doch auf seiner Reise […]
Read MoreLondon 2084, Jon Bing and Tor Åge Bringsværd
År 2084: Havnivået har steget og satt byer og land delvis under vann. Ozonlaget er tynt, dyrelivet er nesten utryddet, og ny teknologi og et formidabelt offentlig overvåkningssystem har skapt en radikalt annerledes hverdag.En vanlig grå aprildag i Oslo får privatetterforsker Robert Altermann en overraskende ny sak i fanget: I […]
Read MoreMengele Zoo, Gert Nygårdshaug
Fattiggutten Mino er født i regnskogen. Han er sommerfuglfanger og elsker jungelens mangfold av liv. Samtidig som Mino samler sommerfugler, ser han at jungelen ødelegges av multinasjonale selskaper. En dag rammer katastrofen også hans landsby, og Mino er plutselig i sentrum av de store regnskogenes tragedie. Etter dette forvandles Mino […]
Read MoreAmelia Lionheart’s Eco Children’s Book Collection
I recently had a long phone conversation with the lovely Amelia Lionheart, whose interview I will post in the next few months. Amelia runs JEACs (Junior Environmentalists and Conservationists); she attempts to enlighten children – through the means of adventure stories – about conservation and environmental issues. Amelia sent and […]
Read MoreConvergence, David M. Henley
[Henley’s] world is set 150 years in the future, after the Earth has suffered devastating bouts of climate change and conflict. From this a new society has emerged, ruled by a World Union. –The Australian Goodreads Reviews Back to GoodReads
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