Post Tagged with: "808000"

California Poems

Author: © Carolyn Welch Publication Date: July 2014 Publisher: Moon Willow Press Review: Tom Hibbard Rucksack Revolution In the lofty meadow path with yellow firs and ducks, creeks tempt us–naked bath among the aspen tucks? Our Morley pokes at the stream, and barefoot writes his prose; we hike on in […]

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The Sacred River …

Author: © Tom Hibbard Publication Date: August 12, 2011 Publisher: Moon Willow Press In Memory Of: Jack Kerouac Back to the Dragonfly Library THE GREEN UNIVERSE I. a misty tautology glimmers on the lake beyond understanding where the downtrodden hang by an anesthetized thread that parasitism devours with inappropriate guilt as […]

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