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Reference & Blogs
ALECC: The Association for Literature, Environment, and Culture in Canada / Association pour la littérature, l’environnement et la culture au Canada (ALECC) is an organization for the creation, appreciation, discussion, analysis, and dissemination of knowledge about the work of nature writers, environmental writers and journalists, eco-artists of all disciplines, ecocritics, and ecotheorists in Canada.
Artists & Climate Change: An initiative of The Arctic Cycle, this organization feels like the go-to place to find a wealth of information about all artists and climate change. They also have a literature section and are rerunning Dragonfly’s spotlights in their Wild Authors series.
ASLE (Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment): A dynamic community of teachers, writers, students, artists and environmentalists interested in the natural world and its meanings and representations in language and culture.
The Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts: The CSPA views sustainability as the intersection of environmental balance, social equity, economic stability and a strengthened cultural infrastructure. Seeing itself as evolved out of the principles of the 1987 Brundtland Report and 1992 Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, the CSPA aligns itself with the policies of Agenda 21 for Culture as a resource to artists and art organizations.
Climate Fiction Writers League: An international league of writers of climate/eco-fiction around the world.
EASLCE (European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture and the Environment): Part of a worldwide network of affiliated organizations that brings together scholars, artists, and activists with an interest in the study of the interrelationship between nature and human cultures, aiming to foster the dialogue on environmental issues across cultural and disciplinary boundaries.
Ecofiction by Ashland Creek Press: Ecofiction is fiction with a conscience. Also known as eco-literature, these books range from mysteries to thrillers, yet they all share strong environmental themes.
EcoLit Books is an independent blog devoted to books—fiction and nonfiction—with environmental themes.
Eko Stories: I was thrilled to meet Isaac Yuen recently at a panel on climate change and storytelling at the West Vancouver Memorial Library. We had already followed each other on Twitter, so it was nice to put a face to a Twitter name. Eko Stories contains Isaac’s essays connecting nature, culture, and self.
Environmental Book Club: Blog by author Gail Gauthier, focusing on writing and children’s books.
International League of Conservation Writers: Forum to bring writers together from around the world who are writing to promote wilderness, nature, conservation, or using other means to protect and restore the natural areas, habitats, animals, and plants of our planet.
Jessica Groenendijk’s Words from the Wild: Jessica is a Dutch biologist turned conservationist and aspiring novelist. She was born in Colombia, and has lived in Burkina Faso, Holland, Tanzania and England, among other places. By writing stories of land- and seascapes and of their people and wildlife, she hopes to help re-build our connection with, and empathy for, nature.
M. Haynes: Where Ratchedemics do black speculative fiction. On this Eco-Fiction plate, we’ll offer excerpts from or reviews of or links to stories that might inspire readers to more eco-centric views and stronger actions for the natural world. We hope thereby to inspire a growing genre of books, articles, movies, and music that makes other life-forms equal partners in the evolutionary dance.
The 19th Century Greens: From BBC Radio, Professor James Woudhuysen ponders what 19th-century Romantic poets like Wordsworth would make of modern Greens. From July 2008.
Where the Wild Books Are: A guide to eco-fiction by Jim Dwyer: offers an overview of nearly 2,000 works of nature-oriented fiction. The author includes a discussion of the precursors and history of the genre, and of its expansion since the 1970s.
Writers Rebel/Extinction Rebellion: Writers who are part of the Extinction Rebellion have a few podcasts on eco-writing.
Podcasts and Vlogs
Ecofictology by Lovis Geier. A wonderfully intelligent weekly series on eco-fiction subjects, including reviews, genres, writing, and more.
Protectors of the Wood: The Protectors of the Wood Eco-Fiction Adventure Series is an illustrated story of a group of teenagers who save the world from climate change. The themes include the power of relationships, realizing leadership, good versus evil, and the coming of age.
Stories for Earth by Forrest Brown. The Stories for Earth podcast discusses how climate change is depicted in books, movies, music, and more to help us imagine a more sustainable world.
Two Lit Mamas Podcast. A kid-lit podcast for parents, teachers, and writers, focusing on eco-fiction subjects.
Agam Agenda: A dynamic, shape-shifting platform for creative, trans-disciplinary collaboration designed to grow and contribute to fluid networks of climate-aware writers, artists, scientists, youth, and campaigners.
Discord: Rewilding Our Stories: This is the only Discord community I know of that invites everyone to participate in discussions about writing and reading environmental fiction of all genres, whether about climate, animals, water, and everything else under the sun. It’s a new Discord, run by Lovis Geier and the founder of, Mary Woodbury. Note that this is a safe place to discuss your writing and reading, which recognizes diversity in various genres that cover fiction and creative nonfiction nature writing.
Good Energy: A new playbook for screenwriting in the age of climate change. I am seriously impressed by this project. It’s got so many useful writing tips and also tries to pair writers with filmmakers.
Society of Environmental Journalists: A list of the society’s favorite environmental fiction.
XWriters Rebel: “At Writers Rebel, a diverse mix of writers offer their personal reflections on all aspects of the extraordinary, challenging times in which we live. We publish work by up-and-coming writers alongside pieces by more established authors. We feature prose and poetry on a range of topics relevant to Extinction Rebellion, such as the climate and ecological emergency; activism; regenerative futures; life in the anthropocene; deep adaptation; organising across race and class spectrums, etc.”
Interesting Projects
Climaginaries: A three-year research project initiated in September 2018, financed through the Swedish research council FORMAS. The overarching aim of Climaginaries is to advance the understanding of imaginaries as means through which to catalyse the forms of political, economic, and social responses required for transitioning to a post-fossil society.
ClimateCultures: Creative cultural responses to environmental and climate change.
Climate Lit: A resource hub for building young people’s climate literacy with literature, film, and stories in other media. Their mission is to promote universal climate literacy and climate literacy education as a means to transition to an ecological civilization. This is also associated with the University of Minnesota’s Center for Climate Literacy.
The Dark Mountain Project: The Dark Mountain Project is a network of writers, artists and thinkers who have stopped believing the stories our civilisation tells itself. They produce and seek out writing, art and culture rooted in place, time and nature.
Green Reads – Excerpts: Dragonfly’s library. No longer accepting submissions but still available to read.
Future Library: Scottish artist Katie Paterson has launched a 100-year artwork, Future Library, Framtidsbiblioteket, for the city of Oslo in Norway. The prizewinning author, poet, essayist and literary critic Margaret Atwood has been named as the first writer to contribute to the project. A thousand trees have been planted in Nordmarka, a forest just outside Oslo, which will supply paper for a special anthology of books to be printed in one hundred years time. Between now and then, one writer every year will contribute a text, with the writings held in trust, unpublished, until 2114. Tending the forest and ensuring its preservation for the 100-year duration of the artwork finds a conceptual counterpoint in the invitation extended to each writer: to conceive and produce a work in the hopes of finding a receptive reader in an unknown future.
Imagination and Climate Futures Initiative (Arizona State University): The Imagination and Climate Futures Initiative will explore how imagination – or lack thereof – shapes humanity’s response to climate change and how imagination merged with science can create solutions to climate challenges.
Our Near Future: This blog posts articles on four topics around the theme of climate change and our near future. The blog posts stories, scenarios, and novels about climate change.
Postcards from the Edge: Born after Hurricane Sandy, this project is collecting stories from across the country, and then pairing those storytellers up with local filmmakers who will then turn the story into an inspirational short film about climate change.
Rewilding the Novel: To mark the launch of Dark Mountain’s Online Edition, novelist Gregory Norminton invited a handful of authors to contribute essays on the subject of rewilding the novel.
Solarpunks: A new theme is emerging in science fiction literature and art: solarpunk. It imagines the future as bright, green and sustainable. See also ABC Net.
Solarpunk: Notes toward a manifesto: Solarpunk is about finding ways to make life more wonderful for us right now, and more importantly for the generations that follow us – i.e., extending human life at the species level, rather than individually. Our future must involve repurposing and creating new things from what we already have (instead of 20th century “destroy it all and build something completely different” modernism). Our futurism is not nihilistic like cyberpunk and it avoids steampunk’s potentially quasi-reactionary tendencies: it is about ingenuity, generativity, independence, and community.
Solarpunk Station: A blog about building regenerative futures.
Founded by Fabrice Guerrier, Syllble is a sci-fi and fantasy production house whose mission is to enable diverse creators from around the world to collaborate around the production of unique fictional worlds. We cultivate groundbreaking and innovative storytelling through them and across different mediums.
The Culture Library: A BTD-supported initiative to create a participatory archive of current history in the region in the context of European integration.
Writing the Earth: The stories we tell can enhance our appreciation of the natural world. They can even change the world we live in.
Journals, Magazines, and More
About Place is a literary journal published by the Black Earth Institute dedicated to re-forging the links between art and spirit, earth and society.
Augur Magazine: Some examples of what they’re looking for: Afrofuturism, soft scifi, scifi-fabulism, scifi-fantasy, Indigenous futurity, hopepunk, dystopia, utopia, post-apoc, solarpunk, scifi-realism, Canadian scifi, ecofiction, & “hopeful futures” from marginalized authors.
Aftermath Magazine: Short stories, articles and essays exploring the end of civilization.
Anthropocene Magazine is a digital, print, and live magazine in which the world’s most creative writers, designers, scientists, and entrepreneurs explore how we can create a sustainable human age we actually want to live in.
Brittle Paper: An African American literary experience, which often has features on environmental books.
Camas: The Nature of the West aims to cultivate novel ideas and perspectives while remaining rooted in the inherited traditions of art and literature of the American West. Founded by Environmental Studies graduate students at the University of Montana in 1992, Camas is a biannual environmental literary magazine that continues to be produced by students in the Environmental Studies program.
Canary is a literary journal that explores one’s engagement with the natural world. It is based on the premise that the literary arts can provide an understanding that humans are part of an integrated system.
Catamaran: Based in the new Tannery Arts and Digital Media Center Studios, in Santa Cruz, CA., our mission is to capture the vibrant creative spirit of The West Coast in writing and art from around the world. Catamaran Literary Reader published its sixth issue in May 2014. Catamaran features fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and the visual arts.
Dark Matter: Women Witnessing is a response to the unprecedented changes humans are facing in an age of massive species loss and ecological disaster. As most of the world goes on with business as usual, others are asking: “How shall we live in these times?” Dark Matter is a home for the voices of these others; we welcome writing in all forms and genres, and artwork in all mediums, responding to the urgencies of this time.
Ecozon@: is a journal devoted to the relatively new field of literary and cultural criticism called ecocriticism. Ecocriticism can be broadly defined as the study of the representations of nature in cultural texts, and of the relationship between humans with other earth beings and their environment as seen in cultural manifestations. Ecozon@ is one of the very few academic journals specifically devoted to ecocriticism, an exponentially growing field, akin to the more recently developing area of environmental humanities, and the only one to accept submissions in several languages.
Elementum: A journal of nature and story. Published three times a year, this journal gives artist and writer responses to scientific issues.
Emergence Magazine: It has always been a radical act to share stories during dark times. They are a regenerative space of creation and renewal. As we experience the desecration of our lands and waters, the extinguishing of species, and a loss of sacred connection to the earth, we look to emerging stories. In them we find the timeless connections between ecology, culture, and spirituality.
FIYAH Magazine of Black Speculative Fiction: FIYAH rises from the ashes of the Black literary tradition started by Fire!! in 1926. We aren’t here for respectability. We’re here to ask what it means to be Black and extraordinary. We are a place to showcase your stories and grow your career. Part literary incubator, part middle-finger to the establishment, we know you have stories to tell, and we are here for it.
Flyway is an online journal publishing poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and visual art that explores the many complicated facets of the word environment – at once rural, urban, and suburban – and its social and political implications.
The Fourth River is a journal of nature and place-based writing published by Chatham University’s MFA in Creative Writing Program.
The Goose is the literary journal affiliated with the Association for Literature, Environment, and Culture in Canada. Publishes poetry, creative nonfiction, and photography.
Gothic Nature Journal is dedicated in our vision of Gothic Nature to provide the most up-to-date research on all things ecohorror/ecoGothic and to deliberately include a mix of work from newer and more revered scholars in ecocriticism, Gothic and horror studies, and the wider environmental humanities.
Green Stories: The competitions are run by the University of Southampton and led by Prof Denise Baden, Professor in Sustainable Business. Assisting are Carole Burns, Head of Creative Writing and Dr Aiysha Jahan, a published writer with a PhD in Creative Writing from the University of Southampton. Our mission is to create a cultural body of work that entertains and informs about green solutions, inspires green behaviour and raises awareness of the necessary transformations towards a sustainable economy.
High Country News covers the important issues and stories that define the American West. Its mission is to inform and inspire people – through in-depth journalism – to act on behalf of the West’s diverse natural and human communities. Publishes creative nonfiction (essays) along with journalistic nonfiction.
The Hopper: A lively environmental literary magazine from Green Writers Press. The poetry, fiction, nonfiction, visual art, ecocriticism, and interviews that we publish are all paths towards an invigorated understanding of nature’s place in human life and are part of a new phase in nature writing and art that seeks to include a modern consciousness in narratives of place.
ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment is the official journal of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE). The journal also publishes poetry, fiction, and literary nonfiction pertinent to its thematic focus.
khōréō: is a quarterly magazine of speculative fiction and migration. We are dedicated to diversity and elevating the voices of immigrant and diaspora authors.
Little Blue Marble: Beautiful literary journal that focuses on climate change and accepts poetry, nonfiction, and fiction. It has some links to helpful resources, such as a free course on climate change.
Mekong Review: A quarterly English-language magazine of arts, literature, culture, politics, the environment and society in Asia, written by people from the region or those who know it well.
Omenana: A tri-monthly magazine that is open to submission from speculative fiction writers from across Africa and the African Diaspora.
Optopia: A solarpunk zine that explores potential futures for our world, our environment, and out society. Optopia features essays, fiction, poetry, artwork, and everything in between. Optopia is free to read on, but if you want to support the zine, you can join our Patreon. Every donation goes towards the cost of creating the zine.
The Oxford American is a national magazine dedicated to featuring the best in Southern writing while documenting the complexity and vitality of the American South. Publishes poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction.
Orion Magazine is a focal point in an extraordinarily rich period of nature writing, and it has remained true to that core conviction, though the magazine has evolved into a bimonthly and the range of its interests has broadened to include not only environmental but cultural concerns.
Paperbark Literary Magazine: Paperbark is rooted in themes of stewardship, innovation, and possibility, and we want our content to be motivated by a desire to trace the connections between science, culture and sustainability. We strive to illuminate the impacts of human society while nurturing our intrinsic capacity to catalyze positive change and represent the voices of all who are involved in and impacted by the currents we seek to explore and elucidate.
Plumwood Mountain: An Australian Journal of Ecopoetry and Ecopoetics.
Reckoning: An annual journal of creative writing on environmental justice.
Resurgence & Ecologist Magazine offers positive perspectives on a range of engaging topics covering ecology, social justice, philosophy, spirituality, sustainable development and the arts.
SAGE Magazine is a student-run environmental arts and journalism publication of the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies in New Haven, Connecticut. They welcome all submissions of environmental art, including long journalistic pieces, poetry, prose, digital art, photography, cartoons, cardboard cut-outs, macaroni collages, and, on occasion, sky-writing.
Solarpunk Magazine: The time for solarpunk has come, and the mission of this magazine is to become one of many important catalysts for an important and necessary revolution within both the literary world and our larger culture. Accepting submissions at various times throughout the year.
Split Rock Review: A not-for-profit publication run by volunteers who love literature, art, and the wilderness. Their mission is to publish the finest literature and art that explore place, environment, and the relationship between humans and the natural world.
Terrain is a journal that searches for the interface–the integration–among the built and natural environments that might be called the soul of place.
The Trumpeter is an environmental humanities journal dedicated to the development of an ecosophy, or wisdom, born of ecological understanding and insight. They publish scholarly articles, narratives, poetry, book reviews, and cartoons.
Watershed: Journal of Environment and Culture is a Brown-RISD publication that explores how we relate to the environment through prose, poetry, art, science, photo essays, journalism, or whatever other creative means are at an artist’s disposal.
Weber: The Contemporary West invites submissions in the genres of personal narrative, critical commentary, fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry that offer insight into the environment and culture (both broadly defined) of the contemporary western United States.
You are here: the journal of creative geography: Published by graduate students in the School of Geography & Development at the University of Arizona, the journal is an annual publication that seeks to explore the concept of place through articles, fiction, poetry, essays, maps, photographs, and art.
Zest Letteratura Sostenible: Italian sustainable literature site, which is part of the non-profit We feel Green cultural project.
Book Publishers
Android Press: Publishes science fiction, fantasy, and light horror specializing in climate fiction and the various punk subgenres. We love stories that are rooted in hope and optimism, as well as stories that hold up a mirror to our society, forcing us to reexamine our past and our values in order to move forward and build a better future.
Apex Book Company: Apex Book Company is an independent publisher of exemplary works of dark fiction from a diverse collection of talented writers. Their publishing directive can be summarized in four words: Strange, Surreal, Shocking, and Beautiful. They often publish books with an ecological bent.
Ashland Creek Press is a small, independent publisher of books with a world view. Their mission is to publish a range of books that foster an appreciation for worlds outside our own, for nature and the animal kingdom, and for the ways in which we all connect.
Bellevue Literary Press: Books at the intersection of art and science.
Calque Press: A small and occasional press. Translation, poetry & nature.
Goose Lane Editions: Based in Fredericton, New Brunswick’s capital, Goose Lane Editions is a vital part of Canada’s ever-morphing publishing landscape. Whether it’s homegrown Canadian fiction, singular collections of poetry, books on contemporary art, or courageous stances on environmental issues and global politics, we provide book lovers with great reads that inspire, spur conversation, and stimulate minds. We seek to represent a balance of voices and proudly embrace Queer Lit as well as First Nations and Inuit authors and artists who are shaping and transforming our perspectives.
Green Writers Press’s goal is to spread a message of environmental activism through the words and images that they will publish.
Harvard Square Editions: Harvard Square Editions (HSE) is a publishing house run by Harvard alumni that grew out of the Harvard Alumni Association group, Harvard Writers and Publishers. HSE is looking for literary fiction with a social or environmental message. Its mission is to publish fiction that transcends national boundaries, especially manuscripts that are international, political, literary, sci-fi, fantasy, utopia and dystopia. They appreciate aesthetic value and constructive social or political content, especially manuscripts related to climate change, deforestation, and conservation.
Hyperidean Press: Dedicated to publishing experimental literary fiction
Hiraeth Press publishes a wide range of books that deal with our relationship to the Earth and the revitalization of an ecologically viable spirituality fit for the planetary era.
Palewell Press: Based in the UK, Palewell Press aims to support human rights, and to increase understanding of social history and environmental change.
Stelliform Press: A small independent literary press which seeks to publish novellas, novels, short story collections, and works of creative non-fiction which address our world’s most pressing problems: climate change, ecological destruction, and the effect of these issues on how we relate to each other and to the other beings that live with us in the world. We see these problems as systemic and pervasive, exacerbating long-standing social issues, and challenging us to confront the roots of human thought and feeling. Because of this, Stelliform Press stories address environmental issues from many different perspectives and are, foremost, emotional and relational or interconnected narratives which can help us to find the strength and inspiration we need to confront the uncertain future. To do the work we need to do.
World Weaver Press: While the press publishes science fiction and fantasy, it also has been a pioneer in publishing stories in the new genre of solarpunk.
Modern Media Links
Eco-fiction may have become popular decades ago, but it has not gone away. It is evolving. When reviewing the recent novel Borne, by Jeff VanderMeer, Wai Chee Dimock stated in the New York Times:
This coming-of-age story signals that eco-fiction has come of age as well: wilder, more reckless and more breathtaking than previously thought, a wager and a promise that what emerges from the 21st century will be as good as any from the 20th, or the 19th. (“There’s No Escape From Contamination Above the Toxic Sea,” May 5, 2017)
For more links to articles that discuss eco-fiction, see:
- Book Riot
- The Conversation
- The Guardian
- The Nation
- ArtsHub
- The Hindu
- Washington Post
- Kirkus Reviews
- The New York Times
- LA Review of Books
- Bustle
- Impakter
- New York Review of Books
- Macleans
- Huffington Post
- Salon
- Entertainment Weekly
- Telegraph
- The New Yorker
- Wall Street Journal
- Wired
- Times of India
- Yale Climate Connections, LitHub
- The Millions
- Brooklyn Rail
- Den of Geek
- Polygon
- Bleeding Cool News
- Earther
- Overland (AU)
- The Rewilder Institute
- Mancunion
- Recycle Nation
- Green Matters
- New Domain
- Irish Independent
- Daily Bruin
- E-flux
- The Conversation (AU)
- Motherboard
- The Hindu
- Malta Today
- The Hindu Business Line
- Fumettologica
- Polityka
- Option
- DesignBoom
- Scannain
- Spiegel Online
- Canlit
- Kenosha News
- Books Can Save a Life
- Chico News
- Harvard Square
- Cool Hunting
- Le Monde
- Hamilton News
- Gizmodo
- Stuff (New Zealand)
- FlipScreen
- Kxan
- Women Love Tech
Academic Studies and Classes
One of my favorite papers is Dark Places: Ecology, Place, and the Metaphysics of Horror Fiction. Its author Brad Tabas writes:
Aside from allowing us to develop an ethical approach towards thinking about the otherness of places and objects, developing a mode of ecocriticism adequate to dealing with weird writing allows for the elaboration of critical and not dogmatic forms of eco-critical practice, since it is the gap between the real and the natural that opens the space for a criticism that does more than envision literature simply as a sweetened means for delivering the dry truths of scientific discoveries, but rather as an art that alludes to an all-important yet obscure reality to which we must learn to attend.
I think that the above advice is good for all writers of this literature.
Interested in writing a paper about eco-fiction, or even teaching it? See University of Minnesota‘s children’s climate literacy project. Also see Artists & Climate Change‘s resources.